Mobile will be charged when walking!
Technology has made people's daily life easier and easier than ever. Still, there is no continuing effort in search of new inventions. Recently, a University of Wisconsin-based University of Wisconsin and scientists have created a device that transforms human mobility into electricity.
You can say, the end of the charger-power bank. From now on the shoes will be charged after the phone. Many times it is such that there are no charges on the phone when it comes out. Such innovations are the result of such circumstances.
It is known that on 16 November 2015, University teacher Tom Crupenkin published an article on this matter. According to him, the heat generated from the energy produced during the movement of man is produced. By using the heat, electricity can also be produced. His assistant was J. Ashley Taylor.
After a variety of tests, he finally discovered a type of shoes, which would later be made of electricity. Using the electricity can be used to charge mobile laptops, etc. Power-producing shoes are very useful in the military. Because, by applying this device under the shoe, the soldiers can easily burn the flashlight, recharge their radio, night vision, googles etc.
In an interview, Tom said that after carrying out this mechanical shoe, about 10 watts of electricity was produced in each shoe. That means, two shoes together produce about 20 watts of electricity, which is enough for mobile charges.
Tom also said that this special shoe has a power generating device and other electrical components along with battery. There are also two plates, which differ from one another through one type of liquid. The bottom plates contain numerous holes that cause a kind of pressure during the human walk. For which the energy produced from the human body is transformed into electricity.
Recently, a company named "InStep Nano Power" has introduced Tom and Taylor, through whom they want to bring this technology to the world.
Ref: bdpratidin
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