Facebook will remain in glasses

Facebook will remain in glasses Yeah, you're right. There is no need for mobile, tab or computer to run Facebook. Rather you will see Facebook in front of your eyes. In the fiction film we used to see it. But in reality we are going to get this experience very soon. Because Facebook has started working with such technology In English, this technology is called 'ARM' in short 'Augmented Reality'. Based on this technology, Facebook is creating 'AR Glasses'. As a result, no separate device is required to run Facebook. Last year, Facebook submitted a patent related to it. It was written there the originated views are made in front of the users by various components of the computer. But instead of computers, it will be made in glasses and users will be able to run Facebook like glasses.The two-dimensional scanner will be used in special glasses. This scanner for Facebook is creating virtual reality company Oculus VR. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality can be used separately or together due to the use of two-dimensional scanner.

Laser rays, scanning mirrors etc. are also being used in glasses. Through which photos and videos can be launched, you can enjoy it. Laser rays that will give light energy to the glasses lens. Which will create static and moving pictures. The look of the glasses can be seen in the same way as the sci-fi movies.

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